lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008

lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

UFO's Questions

What newsgroup is this?
The newsgroup is alt.alien.visitors

Who sent the first message?
Ron was sent the first message

When did he send it?
He send it on 06 of march 1998 at 05.39

Where was flight KN162 going?
The flight KN162 was going to Fargo

What did the pilot see?

The pilot see a UFO

Who send the secon message?
Ben & thelma was send the second message

What was the object?
Most UFO's are saucer-shaped like the one which crashed at roswell

Why do they think so?
They think about a experimental military plane

What did the coastguard see?

He saw 3 craft over Cape Cod on 4th march 1995

What was he doing?
he was searching for a missing fishing boat

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008


IT classroom

The it classroom is used for tell the lesson to studients, they have diferent tipes of hardware, PC'S, Printers, scanners...

Secretaries' Office

The office is for tell the teachers the time of work and give them the lessons

Headmaster's room

In headmaster's office is the user of office.

The staffroom

Staffroom is the room of staff, in this room they use 5 computers.

In equal are 35 computers in LAN network